More info:
DMH Affordable Housing Desk Reference
Citizens Housing and Planning Association
A state wide umbrella organization for affordable housing activities whose members include housing authorities, non-for-profit housing developers, state agencies, for-profit developers among others. CHAPA's core activities include housing advocacy, research, community education and training, and coalition building. They also manage Mass Access a listing of units designed for people with disabilities.
Mass Housing Consumer Education Centers
A subsidiary of the Mass Non-profit Housing Association comprised of nine member-housing agencies located across the state providing renter and landlord education through technical assistance, workshops and information sharing. All members administer rental assistance for DHCD and have individual websites.
A service designed for individuals and organization working in the subsidized/affordable/special needs housing world. Website offers lists of housing developments, general information and links to resources.
Mass Department of Housing and Community Development
DHCD acts as the leading state housing agency for funding and technical assistance to local governments and community agencies. They administer state public housing, rental assistance and capital development finance programs.
MassHousing (Massachsuetts Housing Finance Agency)
A quasi-state agency created to financed development of both market rate and affordable housing. MassHousing manages the DMH/DDS Set-aside Program where 3% of affordable units are reserved for clients of either department.
Technical Assistance Collaborative
A national organization from Boston that works on behalf of people with disabilities or other special needs, offering information, capacity building and technical expertise. Publishes newsletter and updates on housing.
U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
HUD is the federal government's primary housing agency providing funding for housing production and rental assistance along with homeless programs.
National Low Income Housing Coalition
NLIHC is a membership organization providing advocacy, research and publications, and networking opportunities dedicated to ending America's affordable housing crisis.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
Is a membership organization that advocates for housing and services, providing information and position papers on a variety of relevant topics including affordable housing.
A vital state resource for individuals and families facing the challenges of mental illness, providing free mental health family-based education, family and peer support and grassroots advocacy.
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