DMH Resources & Guides  

#StateWithoutStigmaMA: A Massachusetts Department of Public Health initiative to address stigma of addiction, substance use disorder, and people who are living with substance use disorder

Recovery Learning Communities |  Highlighted resources curated by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

Black young adults with mental illness face high and racialized barriers to pursuing work/education:

      • Long time Massachusetts-based community researcher Jonathan Delman, PhD, JD and his colleague Leslie Adams, PhD recently completed a federally funded study on the vocational needs and preferences of Black young adults with mental illnesses . Their study-based research article, “Barriers to and Facilitators of Vocational Development for Black Young Adults with Serious Mental Illnesses” has recently been published online by the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.

      • To obtain the article, go to, which contains Jon’s short perspective of the study, and at the bottom of the page a link will lead to the publisher’s website which has the full article but unfortunately through a pay wall (unless you have some sort of university or library ). To obtain the article at no cost and to share your feedback with him, you can contact Jon directly at

HandHold MA: An interactive resource developed by a team of mental health and child development experts and parents to provide guidance regarding children’s mental health and emotional well-being for parents and guardians.

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline | a webpage that focuses on the 988, the national crisis line number for mental health and substance use supports and informs on how to access it

Call2Talk Mental Health Line | Mass 211 ( a webpage that details Mass211’s Call2talk program that provides mental health, emotional support prevention program

Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line ( webpage that discusses the Behavioral Health Help Line (BHHL), a service for Massachusetts residents, and provides information on how to use and access it

Warmlines: a webpage that provides information on warmlines, warmlines directories, media mentions of warmlines, ongoing research, and other topics

Search Substance Use or Mental Health Treatment Facilities: Welcome to the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line (BHHL) Treatment Connection search tool. Use Treatment Connection to find mental health, substance use, and support services near you.