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State Mental Health Planning Council
Meeting Notes
October 2022

Older Adult Collaborative SMHPC presentation




Thursday, July 7, 2022 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

SMHPC Meeting

DMH Autism Presentation 07-07-2022
Legislative updates

Older Adult Collaborative SMHPC presentation


At the last SMHPC meeting, Commissioner Doyle and Steve Cidlevich talked about the House mental health omnibus bill and the Senate mental health omnibus bill. As they said, a Conference Committee has now been appointed to negotiate the differences.

The team at MAMH, with lead author Kate Alicante (Senior Policy Research Associate), drafted a fact sheet about provisions that are in both bills, provisions that are only in the House bill, and provisions that are only in the Senate bill. You can find a link to it here:

From Council meeting

April 7th, 10-12.

From Olivia, who was a Co-Chair:

We also just launched our social media pages too!

JSI MA DMH 2021 Survey Presentation (4.7.2022)


Expedited Psychiatric Inpatient Admission (EPIA)
and ED Boarding:
An Update

EPIA and ED Boarding Update CY2021 FINAL


Here’s a link to the hearing and a brief from MAMH.



Here are some materials from the January 6, 2022 State Mental Health Planning Council meeting.  

Barriers and Facilitations For Black Youth DMH
paper presentation 1 6 22


Barriers and Facilitators for Black
young adults and vocational development

State Mental Health Planning Council Meeting Notes
Jan 6, 2022

State Mental Health Planning Council Meeting Notes
April 7, 2022

Mass STEP Strategic Plan 01-13-22

EYAP presentation pdf

Detection for Early Psychosis in Young People

SMHPC Vision + Mission + Goals Discussion on Subcommittees

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