Affordable Housing Resources


Finding Home - NAMI Massachusetts

Webinar recording
"Individual Homelessness in a 
#COVID19 World,"
highlighting inadequacy of shelters to meet needs of those experiencing 
#homelessness & presenting a new, transformative vision

Provides free information, ideas, resources, and support to help people across the state

Housing Search Guides


What I have learned from my housing search - brochure page

Affordable Housing Desk Reference info page

 The Housing Consumer Education Centers and the network of Regional Housing Agencies are critical partners in housing people with mental health conditions.  As a group they manage both federal and state rental assistance and specifically the DMH Rental Subsidy Program.  In addition they offer training and education to renters and landlords.  You are encouraged to check out the local housing agency near you find out how they can be of assistance in finding and securing affordable housing.

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